大学生活是我人生中最重要的一个阶段,是我探索人生,实践真值,超然智慧,走向更加成熟的过程。在这期间我不但学习了课本上的知识,如计算机,法律基础,马克思政治经济学等公共课程和精读,泛读、口语、听力、写作、翻译、日语、心理学等专业课程,以及数学文化、经济管理基础、逻辑思维与方法、西方哲学智慧和自然辩证法等选修课程,还真正懂得了人生的意义,人生的价值。在以后的'工作中,我能够从事英语翻译,行政管理,经济管理,英语教育,现代办公,文秘以及进出口贸易等相关工作。几年来,我立志做一个学好此专 ……此处隐藏526个字……le. I finish my Master?ˉs degree in one year with satisfactory grades.
I belive I am intelligent and quick to learn. Although I lack of formal working experiences,I am sharp to grasp the key points, also I am very dedicated to what I do.I am ready for the challenges.
(I have permission to refer you toProf. Ji Zhou, for statements as to my character and ability.)
I hope you will give me a chance to talk to you personally and to answer any questions you may have about my suitability for the post. Salary consideration is seondary to me in view of the opportunity this position offers.I am sure we can arrive at a satisfactory arrangement during the interview.
(I should welcome a personal interview at your convenient.)